Free Speech Union South Africa

The Free Speech Union is a non-profit organisation that promotes freedom of speech and opinion, and stands up for anyone who is, or risks being, penalised for exercising these rights whether in the workplace or the public square.

The FSU SA will promote free speech and criticise when it is being threatened.

To this end we:

  • Promote how crucial freedom of speech is to sustaining a healthy democracy;
  • Criticise and oppose efforts to restrict free speech;
  • Educate and inform about the right to free speech and the obligations it imposes;
  • Offer formal and informal talks and webinars about free speech to individuals, businesses and schools;
  • Try to advise and assist in the event that your right to speak freely is limited or challenged by any person/s, institution or media platform;
  • Recommend specialists who may be able to assist you.

We currently issue press releases, write letters, op-eds and articles, give interviews in on radio and television, and produce a podcast entitled Free Speech Matters.

“Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom - and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.” - Benjamin Franklin